All is good.
The second 100 miler completed.
First one was no freak incident, just a regular freak with a mind set.
Set your mind to not mind the gap.
The fast runners will disappear in the distance.
When the distance is long enough.
Make your plan, keep your pace, stick to it.
Be cool and calm enough to stay tough enough to stick to the plan.
Did I mention making a plan and sticking to it?
But be ready to adopt and change if needed.

When we reached Mölle I was one of the very last.
Place 300.
But the difficult part is at the end:
Getting out of the aid station and around the hill to the finish line.
Gained 40 positions, I had passed so many runners.
And I was faster then a lot of the runner ahead of me.
On a nice green sloop just behind the grave of Kullamannen,
I got caught up in the moment and started running.
Passed people wearing bibs of any colour.
Even flew passed 22km runners.
Yes, that was I bit too much, I paid for it during the last 3k of the race.
My right leg was pretty much busted (an old injury).
But anyhow, it was an almost perfect race, based on my capabilities.
I had a plan, formulated as simple as: “keep a high lowest pace”.
Knowing my running skills wouldn’t last very long, I focused on fast walking.
Run only when it’s an obvious win.
Of course I started too fast and sort of ran part of the first 55k.
It happens. Getting caught up in the moment.
But I still kept it within a reasonable effort.
Pacing has value to it.
Instead of running and walking/resting to recover, knowing my running could never make up for time lost walking/resting, focus was to not loose too much.
Moving forward, how slow it might be is still better as long as it’s faster then the alternative. It worked.
I took care of myself so well during the race that I could walk in stairs the same evening as I finished the race.
Only needed to drill two small holes in a toe nails, had hit a rock with it.

All in all, I’m very happy about how I managed it.

If happiness is a dish, it’s best served hot:
